Author: Laura Kral
When working with a child, as a therapist or as a parent, it is very important to remember to meet the child where they are rather than trying to fit them into a box. Instead of trying to fix them, it is important to try to understand them since each child is unique. Every child reacts differently to stress and learns in a different way. We need to teach children in a way that they learn best. If one tool doesn’t work then we try something different.
A quote that I enjoy sharing with parents is one by Kathy Morris “Some people see a closed door and turn away. Others see a closed door, try the knob, if it doesn’t open… they turn away. Still, others see a closed door, try the knob, if it doesn’t open, they find a key, if the key doesn’t fit…they turn away. A rare few see a closed door, try the knob, if it doesn’t open, they find a key. If the key doesn’t fit… they make one”.
This is so important to remember when working with our children. If something doesn’t work the first time, don’t give up. It might take many tries to find the key that will work but our children need us to keep trying until we find one that does.
So many children and teenagers are struggling with anxiety or depression and feel alone. I like to use this verse as a reminder to them that they are never alone: Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Psalm 23:4.